During the morning of 1 June 2022, the Firefighters of Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) and Station 78 (Sardis VFC), the EMS of Station 610 (Murrysville Medic One), the Murrysville Police, and the Westmoreland County Coroner's Office staged a 2-vehicle head-on mick collision with 1 deceased patient for the students of the Franklin Regional High School Student Body. The firefighters demonstrated the techniques and equipment used to extricate patients from crashed vehicles, while the Station 610 EMS treated and removed injured patients for transport to a local trauma center, the police demonstrated law enforcement procedures at a collision site, and the Westmoreland County Corner's Office attended to the deceased vehicle occupant. This event not only allowed the Fire/Rescue/EMS Crews to train on highway rescue procedures, but also showcased those skills to potential members within the Franklin Regional Student Body. During the entire exercise all Fire/Rescue units remained in service in case they were dispatched to an incident by Westmoreland 911.
Engine 20, Squad 20
Mutual Aid:
Sardis VFC (Station 78 - Rescue 78), Murrysville Medic One (Station 610 - Medic 613, Medic 615, Support 610, Command 610, Command 610-3), Murrysville Police Department, Westmoreland County Coroner's Office