Franklin Regional Home Coming Bonfire - Franklin Regional High School
By Secretary Mike Cline
October 7, 2021
During the evening of 7 October 2021, Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) provided Fire/Rescue Services for the 2021 Franklin Regional Homecoming Bonfire. Sardis VFC (Station 78), White Valley VFC (Station 64), Export VFC (Station 22), and Murrysville Medic One (Station 610) supported Station 20 for the event. The Station 20 firefighters ignited the bonfire, provided fire watch during the fire, and extinguished the remains of the fire at the closure of the event. This event provided training for the firefighters of Stations 20 and 78 in the use of multiple attack lines, the establishment and use of a leader supply line to provide a water to the attack lines, and pumping operations. Further while Engines 20, Engine 78, and Tanker 78 were providing the fire watch; Rescue 20, Tanker 64, and Squad 22 were on standby at the scene to provide immediate response for any real life emergencies within the Municipality of Murrysville. Once the fire was extinguished, Command 20 returned all on scene units to service and station.
Engine 20, Rescue 20, Squad 20
Mutual Aid:
Sardis VFC (Station 787 - Engine 78, Tanker 78), White Valley VFC (Station 64 - Tanker 64), Export VFC (Station 22 - Squad 22), Murrysville Medic One (Station 610), Franklin Regional School District Police