Joint Highway Rescue Training - White Valley Volunteer Fire Company Fire Station
By Secretary Mike Cline
October 23, 2019
During the evening of 23 October, Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) and Station 64 (White Valley VFC) Firefighters conducted a joint training event on Highway Rescue Procedures at the Station 64 Fire Ground. The firefighters practiced using hydraulic rescue tools, cribbing, and chains with "come-a-longs", to stabilize and open up a wrecked vehicle so occupants can be extracted by firefighters and EMS personnel. This type of training helps the firefighters decrease the time needed for extraction of the occupants from the vehicle, and give EMS personnel the greatest possible amount of time to provide medical assistance and transport the patient to the appropriate medical facility. Additional joint fire/rescue training for the Murrysville-Export Fire Companies is in the planning stages.